Witchcraft Involvement

August 3, 2019

It’s Super Shout-Out Saturday!

I want to give a Super Shout-Out to all the people in the world that do not have ANY involvement in witchcraft. What’s done in the dark will come to the light. Please believe God sees all and knows all and HOW TO HANDLE EVIL.

I want to write about my extremely negative encounter but I just let go and let GOD.

A woman pastor here in Atlanta told me of how witchcraft was done on a woman and she lost her mind. Several things happened that was extremely crazy and she never recovered. I was curious as to why she was telling me this. Now that I think about it is so that I can be aware.

My ex-office manager of a Durable Medical Equipment Company in Marietta exposed how witchcraft is done among leadership and those in authority. Vicki is married with three children and has grandchildren. She’s a white woman who loves her family and loves to laugh.

She told me that she never participated in any of it and addresses herself as a Christian and goes to church. I just listened and could not believe that they succeeded in forcing someone to lose their job.

My co-worker was a white woman at the same company. One day, I gave her a compliment about how cute her shoes were. Not too long after, she gave them to me. Then guess what? A few months later I was leaving but they let me go early.

I moved to Virginia, after the first week I was let go because the company wanted to hire two people for my pay. I was devastated because I had just moved to a new state with no family.

Finally, I found a job and things were great. Before leaving Virginia, a black woman name Jill threw me the nicest going away party. Everyone showed love and I enjoyed experiencing it. Also everyone chipped in to purchase something unique from Things to Remember that has a cross on it. Everyone knew that I love having faith in the Lord while having fun. I still have it today and maintain friendship with my previous co-workers.

My divorce finalized. My mother mysteriously got lung cancer and suffered. She always told me that she felt like someone had done something to her. My mother did not have any enemies that I knew of. She was quiet and meek. I don’t know who or what, all I knew to do was pray and cancer destroyed her earthly body.

The last job that I worked on, my co-worker who is black asked to see my bible. When she returned it back to me, she stated that she wasted lotion in my bible. I had a horrible outcome and never returned to that job. Then all of a sudden her husband and children moved to another state. So many negative things have happened to me in the past but God is has kept me through it all.

I believe that God allowed me to be aware and to never know how to practice it despite the evil that seemed to reek havoc in my life. In the mist of me typing this God led me to Ephesians chapter 5. When you get some time read it. Verse 9 stood out to me saying, for the fruit of the light consist in all goodness, righteousness and truth.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!