While On My Prayer Walk, A White Lady Offered Me A Ride Named Debra

While on my prayer walk, on May 24, 2022, it was very peaceful. On my way back ti my niece house. A white woman offered me a ride. Her name is Debra. She was heavy set with turquoise dragon fly earrings on with a turquoise shirt.

When I got inside her car, I noticed that she had a cute purse with a tassels. Immediately, she told me that it was a concealed gun bag. I was shocked because she looked so innocent. I even told her thatva d Debra laughed.

I told Debra how Eva’s husband was cured of lymphoma cancer on the same street that I used to live on. I found out because a white woman invited me into her home and told me about her neighbor next door. One day, I saw Eva’s husband while on my prayer walk then he said that he was cured.

After I told Debra about this she took my number down but she put it in her notes and not in her phone. I was so extremely thankful that I had orange cones in the drive way when she dropped me off. The cones are to promote toichertimes.com until my car get out of the shop.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!