Use What You Have In Your Hands

August 20, 2019

It’s Tell the Truth Tuesday!

I heard a pastor mention this statement. Use what you have in your hands. Most of what I have in my hands has helped me to cut cost drastically. Unfortunately, I suffered with carpal tunnel syndrome from years of typing at a desk and it’s too late for me to file a claim for benefits.

I’ve had many challenges over the years and I’ve tried to make do with what I have until I can do better. The good thing is that I can do many creative things with my hands.

For examples, I would love to go to a salon to get my hair maintained and style weekly. The fact that my hair is long causes the cost of my hair maintenance to go up. A beautician can easily charge me nearly $100 or more. Since I don’t have that type of money on a weekly basis. My personal way of avoiding this cost is that I do it myself. Sometimes it turns out well at other times, it don’t but whose counting.

Writing is one of my absolute favorite things to do.I like writing and posting inspirational things and those of others. I believe that they help me and others to keep moving forward with a relationship with God. No one is perfect. It’s absolutely amazing how certain things about a person encourages others to do the same.

The best thing about getting dolled up is that you get to relax. I would love to go get manicures and pedicures done weekly. Fortunately, I’m able to do my own nails and ticky toes but it’s not every week. Oh my, it feels so good to look pretty and show off your nails. When I put on a little make-up, it enhances my look and I like it. Guess what?? I just pay for the product and save rather than spending money for someone else to do it.

One of my favorite things to do is cook. There are so many obstacles in the way of me doing what I love. I won’t get into the details but I’ll share it some other time. The best part about cooking is smelling the aroma and tasting it before it’s ready. The satisfaction comes in when you can sit down and enjoy with others and listen to their delightful comments. What I can do while I wait on the kitchen that I want. I can share my recipes. Also, I can share cost saving tips to make a good meal under $10.

Everyone wants to look cute. I would love to be in fashion but it cost money and not many people approve of you marketing their clothes for free. Now I have a solution to that. I’ve started crocheting cute clothing for myself. Each piece is handmade and I enjoy it. It is the best stress reliever and releases serotonin with repetitive movement which improves mood and sense of calmness. Every project, I smile because I’ve completed something that’s absolutely beautiful.

Single Parents, Hello!! I don’t mind sharing my tips on surviving while being a single mom. My daughter knew that we did not have much but we managed. Before my financial strain, I did not overspend or shop unnecessarily. I made the best out of what we had. Every single Friday, we would have game night or movie night. I would make them frozen drinks without alchol and other delicious treats like brownies and cookies.

Out of all that I’ve said, I hope this encourage you to use what you have in your hand.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!