So many negative things have happened to me since the start of this year it’s just ridiculous. I really like giving positive reviews but recently I’ve experienced the absolute worst. I’m still at my lowest and have not fully recovered from the attacks of the enemy since 2013.
Lately, my appearance has not been what I’m satisfied with. That’s why I have not taken pictures or posted lately. I’m constantly distracted and inconvenienced daily. I need stability, chronic homelessness has been a gruesome burden for me and my child.
I’ve reached out for help in so many places and things, each time I’ve hit roadblocks. I’m so unorganized as a homeless person with a child. I’ve cried, prayed, spoke life to my situation, and even seen deliverance in others but as for me, it’s been the cruelest of hardship ever. I’m at my whist end and in despair.
Last week, I was at Dollar General on Riverside Parkway. Suddenly, out of the blue, a cashier started talking to me. I noticed several tattoos on her forearm. She said, “The devil sure is busy! What I can’t take is people who pretend to be of God but are the total opposite. I really can’t stand that.
I allowed her to vent while letting her know that despite her feelings and acquisitions of truth, the people of God must continue to pray. She smiled and completed my transaction and continued small talk with me and others.
The next morning, I was led to read Numbers chapter 1:20 then I read the whole chapter with a commentary for better understanding. I found out that the tribe of Judah had the biggest army and the Levites did not have to sign up for war.
After reading the commentary, I found out Moses was counting the men of war who would be standing with them.
We are at war right now today between good and evil. I’m convinced that evil people will continue to be evil. The good will get tired but won’t fail.
I’m still trying to figure out why God is using me for these attacks. I’m low enough. Sometimes I feel like I’m in hell on earth. Dang it, I’m human in the mist of vicious cut throat vipers and all types of evil stuff. I am weak but he is strong. I’m still waiting on the day of justice.
On Sunday, I was surprised to hear my pastor say they we are at war after speaking about spreading kindness during second service.
I trust that God will be our vindicator. Keep standing on the Word, eventually the pretenders will be revealed because God has already taken his hands of mercy off of them. It’s like asking God to forgive the same sin over and over again. Play time is over. Real issues with real solutions.
I hope and pray that this post blesses you.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!