Toicher’s Homemade Cheesecake

I absolutely love cheesecake with cherries on top. Guess what? I like to bake. Over the weekend, I was so determined to bake a cheesecake for my husband. The only thing that I had to mix all the ingredients was a blender.  Honestly, I couldn’t find my mixer. I know you are probably laughing right now. However, the blender worked out very well.

Of course, I took the first slice, only to make sure that it taste good. Ummm..ummm good! Oh my goodness, my cheesecake taste so delicious. Yelp, I cut a big slice and enjoyed every single fork full of goodness. I’ve been trying to trim the black off of this picture but can’t for some odd reason. Hmmm, I’m so glad that ya’ll can see the picture of my cheesecake.

I wanted to post my Tell the Truth Tuesday in this blog post, unfortunately today, I’m experiencing technical difficulties with trimming my pictures. I finally figured it out, I had over a thousand pictures in my phone and could not make any corrections until I saved them in a file. YEAAAA! Thank you Lord!

I thought about selling my homemade cheesecake for the holiday’s then mentioned it to my husband. Shortly afterwards, my friend Paula suggested that I sell my cheesecake for the holiday’s. Can you say great minds think alike. No, her name is not Paula Deen. Although I absolutely love alot of her recipes.

Actually, Paula is the woman who prayed with me before I found my current church home. I’m so extremely grateful for good people in my life. Oh, and this cheesecake too.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!