To My Bodacious God: In 2008, The Biggest Housing Crisis Was Experience By Many. My Mother Was A Galaxy’s Leader With O Type Blood Who Ate Beets All The Time. She Would Wake Up In The Wee Hours Of The Morning To Pray And Praise God All Through Our Home And None Of Our Family Members Would Ask Her To Stop Or Question Her Authority. We Have Always Been And Will Continue To Be Workers Of Our Father In Heaven And Of The Light. Before The Election In 2008, She Expired And Did Not Vote. The Bible Says, “Your Word Is A Lamp To My Feet And A Light To My Path.” So Many People Prayed In Their Homes Just Like The Peoples Town Prayer Warriors Who Maintained Success In Uptown And Downtown Until Forced To Move When Turner Field Was Built. When A Person Prays In Their Home Sincerely To The Most High, It Opens Up Doors Of Safety And Pureness With Rights Of Passage, Birthright And Safe Passage. Unfortunately, When A Person Moves, It Gives The Enemy A Way To Gain Access To Promote Foulness. For Example, F******, Deep Dark Things Thats Not In Conjunction With Repeat DECEIT, Guaranteed To Deplete Instead Of Prayer And Meditating. Shifting The Blame And Framing The One With A Clean Heart And A Constrite Spirit Because They Have Lost The Brand New Home Or Moved To A New Location. LORD, I ASK RIGHT NOW, TO GO INSIDE EVERY HOUSE THAT WAS FORECLOSED WITH THE RIGHT AUTHORITY TO PROTECT THOSE INNOCENT AND TAKE IT BY FORCE PRAYERS FOR THE HOLY ONE. THEN MAKE A DIVINE SEPARATION LIKE A DOUBLE EDGE SWORD FROM ANYONE OR ANYTHING THAT RESIDES IN THE HOME RIGHT NOW IN EVERY DIMENSION THAT OPERATES IN DARKNESS WITH REALATORS TAKING OWNERSHIP OF THEIR BLESSING OF RIGHT STANDING WITH YOU GOD. IN JESUS NAME! Don’t Allow The Enemy To Confiscate That Precious Time With You Of Prayer Then Frame Them(Previous Owners) For What’s Going On In The House Right Now In Another Dimension Which Is Not Of You.

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