Times Up

When you intentionally do wrong, don’t expect God to move and cover your mess. It’s ashamed when people display slander of the tongue(gossip), every type of evil, just flat out negative behavior and expect God to move on their behalf.

OH NO, my God don’t operate like that..smh with my lips pressed together.. um..ummm! What breaks my heart is that some of these people are leaders. Wow, devil, you are a liar, demonizing folks. Please believe, God is about to burst it wide open with the TRUTH.

Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.~Galatians 6:7

I pray that God reveals all the bad apples, crabs that attempt to pull others down, no good sap-suckers rolling under the radar undetected in your life. God will reveal it all in the mighty name of Jesus. Wrong territory. . THIS IS GOD’S TERRITORY….enemy you gotta Go…TIMES UP!

I love you and have a Bodacious Day!