The Voice Of God Asked Me To Take A Walk While It Was Dark Outside, Several Minutes Later I Saw Two Clayton County Police Cars Drive By Because My Nephew Titus Almost Shot My Half Brother Ronaii

This year, God asked me to take a walk but it was dark outside. I did not hesitate then I walked out of the door. My walk was very peaceful. Not to long after two Clayton County police cars drove by extremely fast.

Of course, alot of things went through my mind as to the who, what, when and how. All I thought about was I hope everyone’s okay.

Just a few weeks earlier, the Clayton County police, the fire truck, and the mental health crisis team was called out by my half brother Ronaii and nephew Titus because I was praying too loud. No doubt, I was extremely upset because my half sister had just passed away. I thank God for their apologies a few days later.

When I had arrived, my half brother Ronaii said, “Titus almost shot me in the head after an argument.” Surprisingly, at that very moment my half brother Ronaii’s son had just called him to arrange a visit to Atlanta. He was so extremely upset to know what happened.

I was told that Clayton County police asked everyone in the house to come out. Once they did their walk through everyone was clear to go back inside with specific instructions. Everyone was shaken.

It’s Won’t He Do It Wednesday! I’m just so extremely grateful that I was not in that house when the horror and heated argument started. I told them not one time did any of us use guns at mom’s house in Atlanta. We always settled our differences by knuckling up. And if the police was ever called, someone needed to be locked up. Many thanks to the voice of God and his divine deliverance. AND GOD GETS THE GLORY OUT OF MY TESTIMONY.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!