The Top 3 Spirit Led Scriptures for Today

August 8, 2019

I’m not surprised at all at how God is leading me with reading these chapters and the verses. After reading Nehemiah, I learned a lot about how God positioned the gatekeeper after things had been rebuilt. It’s absolutely amazing how God places certain people in places for a reason.

Gatekeeper are crucial because they are the ones that opens and close a gate and to prevent people entering without permission. I was extremely grateful to know that they not only took care of God’s house but their own. Being able to control what comes in and out of your house that you live in is always needed. It is very crucial that everyone covers their homes in prayer.

The main thing that has stood out to me in Joshua chapter 1 is to be strong and courageous. It brought me great joy that God was actually positioning leaders for greatness. It’s very encouraging to know that God makes provisions when we obey his word.

When I read Numbers chapter 1 verses 1-3. I believe that God was allowing me to see clearly that I should stop talking about my hardships and focusing on the positive. I understand that certain things are temporary. I don’t ever want to anger the Lord. Sometimes reality sets in and there is nothing to smile about. Truth be told, I love to focus on the good and smile.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!