The Safety Measure For My Child’s Seatbelt

I experienced a major problem with my toddler while in the car. I put Starson in his carseat then fasten his seatbelt. Before I can get in, he climbs to the front seat while blowing the horn. He has a big smile on his face. My first attempt to open the driver door is a failure. He quickly smashes his hand down to lock the door. At this point he is laughing. Unfortunately, I’m not happy. Finally, he opens the door after I’ve asked him to open it several times.

I went to Walmart and Target to purchase a child safety lock but they did not have any on display or in stock. I was shocked. I just know that I’m not the only one who have experienced this frustration. I spoke to customer service at Walmart and they confirmed that they don’t carry them.

After searching for a few days. I went online to Amazon then purchased a BuckleShield Seatbelt Buckle Cover. When it arrived, I was so happy. Thank God for whoever created this.  My problem, solved.  Won’t He Do It!! The cover comes with a black string that you can attach a key to stick it through the slot to open it up. I feel so much better that he does not have an opportunity to unbuckle himself anymore or while someone is driving. It’s an extra measure of safety that works very well for me and my child. Look at his little fingers. He likes to help me click it or ticket. I hope that this information is helpful for you and others.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!