Good GREAT Morning!!! Here’s an all time favorite of mine.🔥 I absolutely love the lyrics. I really like the sound of the piano playing and her soft and gentle voice that’s speaking the truth.
Ask the person next to you, would you still say yes?
Will your heart and soul say yes?
Will your Spirit still say yes?
There is more that I require of thee
Will your heart and soul say yes?
I really like when she breaks it down then say, I’ll obey Jesus. I won’t be afraid. I’ll go where you want me to go, Jesus. I made up in my mind. I’ll step out on your word. I’ll declare your glory. All God wants is yes. My soul says yes.
If you don’t know by now that this is a tear jerker. Guess what? I believe that this is right where God wants you to be. What I mean is to feel what He feels so that you can take action because you are destined for greatness. God uses many things, including you.
Anyone who wants a closer relationship with God and in worship should get this song. I guarantee that this song will take you there with your arms stretched wide in total worship.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!