The Miraculous Happened, the Day Before Thanksgiving


It’s” Won’t He Do It” Wednesday! First off, let me sing my song.

I just want to testify

Goodness, goodness

Jesus is my joy divine

Goodness, goodness

He make ways out of no ways

Goodness, goodness

I’ll testify, and He said, “It’s fine

I’m gonna testify for Jesus

And He said, it’s fine

Heaven is goodness

Heaven is goodness

Ooooh, to me, to me, to me.


I’m literally holler right now. My cheeks are high as a raised blueberry muffin in a pan, straight out of the oven.  You already know, that I am smiling. THANK YOU JESUS! NOBODY BUT GOD!! OOOOO-WEE! GOOD IS SO GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!

Have you ever had something so drastic that turned out fantastic? Well, all I can say is God has done it again for me. This is a day that I will not ever forget.  Actually, I have tears in my eyes and my nose burns just a little bit. God came through right on time and before the cops came. I’m not one who would ever leave the scene of an accident but I did on this day.

Earlier in the day, I was experiencing severe chest pain because I remembered that my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer the day before Thanksgiving. Yes, my mother and I had a close relationship. My heart hurts just typing this little bit about her so I’ll keep this short and sweet.

I went to Big Bear grocery in Atlanta to pick up some last minute items for Thanksgiving. The parking lot was completely full in the West-end. Finally, I found a parking spot then went shopping. After asking for the location of the pie crust for my delicious sweet potato pies. I saw my cousin Cookie.  We had a short conversation and hugged each other. I checked out then pushed the buggy to my car. I put my groceries in then returned the buggy to the cart area. I cranked my car up then proceeded to back up. I was backing up slowly then BOOM!! It was a small fender bender.

Oh no, did I do that. I pulled back into the parking spot then got out of my car with my information to give. When the woman saw me, she started cursing me out. It was those stand alone curse words with a very harsh expression. She was beyond angry. I told her that I could not believe that she’s cursing me out. She went on to say that her kids were in the backseat and continued to curse me out. She would not allow me to say anything.

At that point, I turned around then entered my car. I called 911 stating that this was not an emergency. I gave the description of my vehicle and the car that I backed into. I called my husband. He was so darn calm. My first thought, my car insurance will go up. The second thought, the police is going to give me a ticket. I had a talk with God saying, God you already knows my financial situation and how I’ve been feeling now this. I said, Lord Have Mercy and continued to wait.

About ten minutes past before the woman came to my drivers window to get my attention. When I saw her, I got out of my car. She stated that she called to cancel the arrival of the police and that I could leave. I was so shocked. I asked her if I could do something nice for her and her children. She told me no, while stating that she was fussing really bad with her mother and that this accident was nothing but the devil. I told the woman, I’m an ATL blogger with a faith-based blog and offered to do her hair, nails, or make-up. She continued to say no while walking to her car. I got into my car then called 911 again, stating that it is not an emergency and to cancel the call. The operator stated that an officer was near, I waited but did not see anyone then I left.

If you are ever in this situation. Take a deep breath. Analyze what’s going on. Think of a solution. Keep a positive attitude before re-reproaching the situation. Walk away from the person if they are hostile. Talk to God and pray.  I felt so bad. I just said, Lord have mercy. God miraculously touched that woman’s heart and allowed me to leave without fixing the damages that I made. I praise God like it’s every-bodies business. Now my thoughts of sadness has been turned into gladness. This is a replacement of a good thought. I will always remember this miraculous outcome that God allowed to happen to me. Even in this unfortunate accident. I believe my purpose is to pray for that woman, her children and her relationship with her mother.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Molicia Booker

    Amen…thank you foralways being transparent and sharing it does help me alot……GOD IS AMAZING!


    1. Toicher Times

      I’m so grateful for this platform. You are so very welcome!I will continue to pray and post as God leads me. I totally appreciate your feedback. Be Blessed, Mo!😘

      Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!

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