The Lessons & Blessings of the Holy Spirit


In life there are lessons and blessings. I’ve learned the lesson of listening to the Holy Spirit when it comes to prayer. For example, A person once said, “I hear the Lord saying pray for this and that.” For some God ordained reason, the Holy Spirit told me not to say one Word of prayer on that subject and I was obedient.

Several months later, the truth unfolded. It was beyond awful, completely low down, totally evil and very deceiving. The Holy Spirit did not want me and my sincere prayers involved for a reason. God has a unique way of dealing with people who are evil. I was like, “Oh wow!” Now, I have a pretty good idea of the deceivers but the Holy Spirit already knows before actions of sincere prayers are ever expressed.

Later, I explained why I did not pray according to that individuals request with evidence that God already knew all the secrets. I am so extremely thankful that God allowed me to be aware. The outcome may have been different. This situation confirmed that the enemy is a deceiver along with its emps. I’m confident that God has my best interest at heart.

There are blessings in listening to the Holy Spirit. Nearly 15yrs ago, I was in an abusive marriage with my daughter. Finally, I filed for divorce and received a protective order for two years. During the process, God kept telling me to pray for my ex-husband. For example, I would be praying for my own needs and desires then right in the middle, God would prompt my Spirit to pray for him and I was obedient. The exact day that the protective order lifted, my ex-husband miraculously became a peacemaker then called and texted me with actions of resolution. Only God can allow a person to have severe convictions in their heart to allow a bodacious outcome such as this one.

The two scenarios above is evidence that God ways are better than mine. I’m so extremely thankful that God allows me to receive lessons and blessings. The same will occur for you too when you are obedient to His will. My prayer for you today is that you will continue to pray for yourself and listen. Prayer is two-way communication. Write it down. Search it out. Seek godly counsel. Review it. Pray about it. Make a decision and take action. From my actions, I’ve gained peace, deliverance and testimonies. I look forward to speaking and writing books in the near future.  God will get the glory out of my life. What are some lessons and blessings in your life?

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!