The Holy Spirit Told Me The Truth About Babies With Colic

One day I was in my quiet time with God when the Holy Spirit told me that colic is when grown adults have sex on a babies system of purity. This means their pee pee and boo boo is being tampered with a penis.

The initial abuse starts in the womb when a woman is pregnant. A race has the ability to use an embryos system of purity while inside the womb. Meaning adults have sex on an embryos system of purity.

When the babies are born they try to get protection from their mother womb again but they are outside of the womb and in their own body now. They since something is trying to get their pee pee and boo boo. That’s when their womb expands with air from when someone had sex on their system of purity. When this happens the baby cries uncomfortably and doctors say it’s colic.

I know you’re wondering, who told me this? The Holy Spirit.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!