The Holy Spirit Gave Me A Message To Give To My Husband About His Daughter

At the time, I was excited and pregnant. The first person I told was my stepdaughter, then my daughter and husband. I was tickled pink. Soon after, I was placed in a mental hospital for no reason.

Unfortunately, I’m going through a divorce right now.

Nearly two years ago, I told my husband that the Holy Spirit told me that there was something that my step-daughter and his ex-wife were doing something that was not pleasing to the Lord.

After his daughter came over, if not the same week or the next week a crisis team came out then an ambulance took me to Tanner Villa Rica.

I don’t remember going to sleep but I woke up in a panic then told the medical staff that I was pregnant. Immediately. I was given a ultrasound.

Soon after, a white man with a white woman passenger drove around a whole bunch of parked cars at the hospital before taking me to Willowbrook. As you can see, they wanted my sky coverage. While there I experienced the worst and filed a complaint.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!