It was a beautiful Saturday. The sun was shining and alot of people were out and about. Our group of disciples/evangelist had a designated spot for us to pray with specific instructions before we went out on our journey.
Initially, I was so nervous, actually, I had bubble guts. You know the feeling of something rumbling in your stomach that you have no control to stop. Guess what? I prayed to myself about it then my fear went a way. If you ever feel like this, quote a scripture. God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.
Our group selected the Underground here in Atlanta, Ga. The first couple of times, we were rejected. Fortunately, we gave each other pep talk and encouraged ourselves in the Lord then kept moving forward to win a soul for Christ.
Finally, there was this black man sitting on the side aisle comfort seating for customers. We approached him then introduced ourselves with a smile. I began to get excited on the inside because he engaged in our conversation and was amazed at our assignment.
I asked him have he ever accepted Christ. To my surprise, he said, “No! We proceeded with our sincere process and even prayed with him before we left. OH MY! Our group was so happy. I never understood why that encouraged me to do all the talking but it worked.
When we went back to our designated spot to share our testimony, we were overjoyed that the soul of a black man had been saved by sincere disciples/evangelist on a mission to do God’s perfect will in the earth.
Are you a believer? Do you share God’s word with others?
If so, I want to hear about it.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!