The First Time I learned CPR Compressions

It’s Thankful Thursday: I want to start off by saying that I’m extremely thankful for everything. Especially all the great things that God is working in my favor. I went to the Fulton County Government Assembly Hall to voice my heartfelt concerns but God  had smiling trained professionals to teach me something new. I plan to continue to live a life of expectancy. The best is yet to come.

In addition, during the meeting a man spoke about the importance of defibrillators being readily available in every building. While the man gave the presentation with paramedics and many others standing around, someone took pictures of them at the podium. I was shocked to find out that October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness month. I had just wrote a blog post about a man dying with his skates that same morning. This was like a God ordained event.

I’m so extremely thankful that I spent quality time with my friend and her kids. I was so extremely thankful that my son had so much fun on the trampoline jump in the mall. I’m extremely thankful that my husband was extra sweet to me today. 

I’M SCREAMING TO THE TIP TOP OF MY LUNGS WITH EXCITEMENT: THANK YOU CRYSTAL! Yesterday, I learned how to do CPR while doing compressions to the song Staying Alive. I was so on beat. Look at my EXCITEMENT. I’m so extremely proud of me. One of the paramedics gave me a pack lifesavers too. It brings me joy when I write positive post. Also, I had so much laughter after watching this video of my son running back and forth during my CPR lesson.

On a nearby table, I found some lifesaving training information from Better Outcomes. There are courses in Adult & Child CPR, Adult & Child AED, Adult & Child First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens, 911 & Emergency Preparedness and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness.  It is my sincere hope that you will receive training for you and your family and tell others about it. Below is how you can reach the instructor.

Michael Charles, Lead instructor, 404-599-8013

CARDIAC ARREST AWARENESS MONTH –October is a month designated to support the goals and ideals of ”National Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month”. … To put it simply, a heart attack is a “circulation” failure, while cardiac arrest is “electrical” failure.

I’m so extremely thankful that I received this life saving, life changing training.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!