The First Scripture That I Taught My Daughter To Memorize

It’s Face the Facts Friday!

My mother taught me how to memorize scriptures that has helped me in life. As a young single woman with one child. I was determined to teach my daughter the foundations just like my mother taught me.

I was so dramatic and absolutely hilarious at home and as a Sunday school teacher for children at a small neighborhood church in Atlanta, Ga. The church was right up the street from where we lived on Hightower Rd.

Learning Bible scriptures was fun and easy for the children. At that time Porsche was around 4 years old. The children loved me and enjoyed how I taught them along with their parents too. Porsche always reminded the children who attended that I was her mother. I believe she was just proud of me.

Although this scripture is very short. I’m extremely grateful for the impact and for God using my daughter at a time that was extremely difficult for me.

My daughter and I are over-comers of Domestic Violence. The same day that I was on the run with my daughter. I cried out to God, what am I going to do, with tears that size of marshmallows.

That Saturday morning, the Holy Spirit told me to go by the prettiest towel that I could find. I did not understand why but I trusted GOD. I went to the mall and found a beautiful purple towel with gold tassels and unique trimmings.

This towel was very expensive too. When I found the towel, I thought GOD was being funny with me because I had a lot of tears. I begin to snuggle up with the towel and cry out to GOD with all my problems, fears, and just everything, I mean the whole ton of things. Every time I would pray, wipe my tears away with this towel and continue to cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry.

I took my daughter to McDonald’s that night to for a Happy meal. While Porsche was sitting in the back seat of my Toyota Camry, Porsche said, “Mama, do you have faith?’ The Bible says, walk by faith and not by sight.” I burst into tears and said, “Yes, Porsche I have faith.” Porsche said, “We are moving back to Georgia.” At the age of 7yrs old, Porsche made a major decision in our lives that I agreed on.

Soon after my tears stopped and I continued to pray. My daughter’s teacher had given me a list of places to call but nothing came through. I reached out to other resources thinking that they would help but still nothing for a faithful married child of God.

On Monday, three days later my friend who is a Muslim, called me out of the blue and asked if I was okay. I said, “NO.” Be mindful, I had not spoken to this person in over 2 yrs. My friend stated that they felt a sudden and strong urge to call me. This person had lost my number but since my number is an easy one, they kept trying and called me.

That Monday night, I expressed my need to get a lawyer and to get back to Georgia. Without hesitation, a deposit of a few thousand’s was in my Bank of America account the next day. My friend and I don’t understand but I kept praying in the name of Jesus and my friend who is a faithful Muslim was the answer to my prayer.

In the past, I have attempted to covert him to Christianity and he have attempted many time to convert me to be a Muslim. We respect each other and are at peace and I appreciate and care for him dearly. He is a black man and married now with a successful business here in Georgia. I pray for him in the name of Jesus and he prays for me in the name of Allah.

I’ve always taught my daughter to memorize Bible scriptures in a fun way and tried my best to explain them. I’m extremely grateful that she quoted a Bible scripture that she remembered to help me.

I’m even more grateful that God used her at a time that I needed it the most. There’s a Bible scripture that says from the mouth of babes in Psalm 8:2. I encourage you to read it sometimes because this blessed me.

Have your child or a little one ever reminded you of a scripture in the Bible?

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!