The Day I Volunteered At A Women’s Prison In A Sexy Royal Blue Dress & Black Spiked Stillettos While Walking In Authority

Surprisingly, it was on my Father’s birthday. On this day, everyone was in sync in the prayer room at Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral. Meaning for the first time unintentionally most intercessors were wearing royal blue and we noticed each other before we entered the sanctuary.

The Holy Spirit placed a nudge in my Spirit to volunteer my quality time to encourage the women in prison. Before I got on the church bus, I had just waken up from a long nap at the home I shared with my half brother and only daughter in Atlanta.

I was told that I my church attire might prevent me from participating. Fortunately, things worked out and I was able to attend with ease.

I’m unsure why the Holy Spirit wants me to address this but my grandmother Big Mama died of a heart attack in her home here in Atlanta. She’s the one that gave me my first name which is Toicher. Big Mama was the only woman on her side of town in Atlanta who accepted money and ran numbers with no problems. Noone ever lost their life, she was never robbed and everything was straight. Now it’s absolutely amazing how her granddaughter gives back to a forgotten society for a worthy cause.

My only son Starson has a gift that alerted us to pray. In the wee hours of the morning, my son said, “Mommy, we need to go pray at a hotel.” Soon after, I found out that my nephew OJ had a surprise birthday gift at a hotel with him and his girlfriend from New York. We all know there is alot that goes on in hotels. For example, a foster child with special needs at a mental hospital told me that children are housed in hotels until they are found placement with others who can care for them. I visited the hotel, left him a face shield and birthday money. The Holy Spirit told me to leave OJ a face shield which was very strange to me. We prayed by the elevators at the expensive hotel in downtown Atlanta. From the mouth of babes…DELIVERANCE!

When I arrived at the prison there were several women ready to receive the Word of God and enjoy themselves. Afterwards, the Holy Spirit told me to stand by the exit door then march. As the women in prison were walking out of the door, the Holy Spirit told me to tell each one of them, “YOU ARE WALKING IN AUTHORITY!” This statement boost their self esteem although I was leaving and they were headed back to confinement or a prison cell.

I was so happy that my first time volunteering at a Women’s prison went well. On the way back, I praised God out loud with many songs and fun dance moves while riding back on the church bus. No one ever was irritated or told me to shut up. I was in excellence Spirits.

I still think about those women in prison and the circumstances that they face. They still have goals, dreams and lives to live to the fullest. They have loved ones and families that care for them. They have so much to learn but know, I’ll never keep them out of my prayers.

For example, as a reminder, one day I was in my closet praying, while waiting on the voice of God, I just stayed there. Suddenly, I received the message to pray for hot heads. Yes, hot head are those individuals who you think they know it all, gets in to trouble, pop off at the mouth, cause major pain and agony. Basically, hot heads are affiliated with everything negative.

I met a hot head in a mental hospital once. She told me that in rm#201 their were evil spirits of people who had died in that room and that’s why she acted like a menace to society. I even reported a mental health staff punching her in the face in her room while on camera. I kept walking by her room and praying.

Finally, staff they let her out in the day room. She asked me, “Why are you so nice to me? I told her, that’s just who I am. She later shared with the whole room that she had HIV. I even saw staff members with wet toilet rolls with tissue and towels by her door while she acted a complete fool while telling me someone would rape her in rm#201. Hotheads are either in a mental hospital, jail or prison.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!