The Beyond Burger is Delicious

August 9, 2019

I had the pleasure of eating a Beyond Burger. It was very juicy and delicious. A friend of mine made it for me for lunch one day. It was on a Hawaiian burger bun with the works. When I bit into it, the color looked as though the burger was cooked medium rare. It was that color because one of the ingredients is beets. I could not believe how delicious it was. That same week the beyond Burger was on sale at the grocery store. That was a plus for me.

The Beyond Burger is the world’s only plant-based burger that looks, cooks, and satisfies so much like ground beef patty that it’s sold in the meat section of over 10K grocery stores in the US (and soon, the world). It is made without soy or gluten and is GMO Free.

There are so many articles about the Beyond Burger verses the Impossible Burger. I read in an article where one was more healthier than the other. I was surprised to find out that Burger King now has the Impossible Burger on their menu. Unfortunately, I’ve only tried the Beyond Burger.

Recently, Sluty Vegan came to the EpiCenter. I wanted to try the Impossible Burger. Unfortunately, it was too hot outside and the line was too long. My child would not have lasted five minutes. I returned around 8pm but the Sluty Vegan food truck was all sold out. I wanted to give my honest review on the Dancehall Queen Burger. I will get another opportunity to indulge in their burger and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

A good burger is one of my favorites. I’m so extremely grateful that their are healthier options available in grocery stores and fast food chains. If you’ve tried the Beyond Burger or the Impossible Burger, I want to read about it in the comments.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!