The Best for Diaper Rashes

Gold Bond medicated cornstarch baby powder is the best thing for diaper rashes. A mother’s worst nightmare is to have a baby with a bad diaper rash. With every diaper change, drama. I mean the baby is just not happy and irritated.  It’s totally discouraging to keep trying things that say they work but don’t. In the mist of trial and error. Our child is in suffering pain and agony. After alot of money spent. I now know what works well and don’t cost that much but is of great quality. Since I have a degree in things that don’t work for diaper rashes. I will share them with you today.

I had to find out the hard way when my daughter was a baby. I’ve tried A&D ointment, Desitin Baby and Boudreuax butt cream and  many others. Nothing worked. I asked my mother for a solution. She told me that Gold Bond cornstarch baby powder would do wonders. Oh my goodness, she was so right. It worked. My baby had broken skin and was bleeding. I changed my baby’s diaper frequently somehow that diaper rash came in full force to destroy my baby’s comfort. After using Gold Bond baby powder, my baby’s bottom was showing signs of healing. By the third day. The diaper rash was completely gone.

One day, I was at storytime with my son. A woman was changing her baby in the library’s bathroom. I looked over to see why her baby was crying. Guess what? My friend’s baby had the worst diaper rash. The little girls bottom was completely raw, it was ridiculous. In my sincere loving voice, I spoke up and mentioned what worked. Since she would walk to storytime. I told her that I would go purchase it and drop in off at her house. I only had a few dollars in my purse and struggling financially but somehow, God made a way because he knew my intentions were good. Unfortunately, when I went to her house, noone was there. I left it in her mailbox. The following week I seen my friend and her baby at storytime, she told me girl that stuff works. Many of the mothers at storytime joined in on the conversation to get knowledge of what really works. I was surprised that noone had ever used it.

I’m so very grateful that you have read what works and will make a decision to purchase it based on our successful experience. If you are a mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, family member or a friend of someone with babies. Please pass this information on so that babies everywhere can enjoy comfort and peace again. I can’t wait to hear about your bodacious outcome. I’m waiting to hear your comments.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!