Take Time To Be Grateful

It’s Most Grateful Monday!

I’m extremely grateful that my bonus daughter Shannon launched a home based business that she is very confident about. It’s always good to have more than one stream of income. It just makes sense. I’m so very proud of her too.

I’m so extremely grateful that former President Barack Obama and alot of local celebrities came out to Morehouse here in Atlanta to encourage everyone to vote. I was not able to attend but I read and heard that he spoke with so much passion. He’s such a people’s person. I really like what Obama told supporters in Gary, “Don’t be hoodwinked. Don’t be bamboozled. Don’t let them run the okey-doke on you.” This statement had me laughing so hard, but it’s soooooo true. Whew!

I’m extremely grateful that Oprah came to Georgia to encourage people to vote. I so appreciate her, a beautiful educated black woman. Every single one of us has the same power at the polls.~Oprah

Exercise your right to vote. So many people have fought so long, hard and even lost their lives for the right to vote. Take time out of your day to be grateful. It matters alot. I voted.

It’s still Monday, I posted this at 10pm but it shows up for Tuesday. I don’t understand this at all.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!