Stay Coachable, Reachable & Teachable

It’s Most Grateful Monday!

July 1, 2019

I’m so very grateful for the ability to stay coachable, reachable and teachable. I’ll share with you some of my personal experiences. Also, a few of my summer goals and what I plan to do next year.


It is very important to stay coachable because it helps us to perform well. It’s like working out in a gym. Everyone wants a healthy body. When we keep our body in shape, we have the ability to do more and continue a healthy lifestyle. In the process we will feel better too.

I absolutely love to roller skate. Unfortunately, I did not have a style. I was so eager to become a smooth roller. One day, I asked a smooth old school roller to coach me. Every week I would get better. Not too long after, I was rolling and bouncing around the rink with ease. When my coach taught me how to skate backwards was rough but I managed stay off the floor. I am firm believer that when you have a coach, you will perform well.


I believe it is very important to stay reachable because this allows us to connect with more people. It allows us to gain access to opportunities that can increase our income and retain long lasting loving relationships. Of course, the main goal is for kingdom purposes.

Currently, I use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Social cards and this website as tools to reach people. Over the years I’ve been able to reach out to family and friends. People that I admire or have interest in. I love to crochet. I posted my daughter’s mermaid blanket that she challenged me to create. I’m so very grateful that it turned out well. When I posted it, I received a few orders. I so needed the money at the time. I felt so good that someone saw my work and helped to put money in my pockets.


I know for a fact that by staying teachable we will learn things that we never knew. When we retain the information that is given, it is a blessing because we can explain it to others. When we stay teachable so many things can work in our favor and for our good. New oppo

When I worked at Bank of America. I had a tough manager. Her name was Wanda Rowe. She taught me alot of things that she knew and I caught on quick. I was very pleasant to customers. I did my job well and by doing so made things go well. I gained her trust and confidence in me by performing well. One day, she gave me and my co-worker a raise. I was so happy and the environment stayed very positive. One being is that she did not play.

This year I met a woman who has been blogging for 8yrs. She sent me an email about a Consistency Challenge. I encourage you to visit and her IG @iampriiincesss. I plan to get ahead in life by doing the things above and belo. How about you?

12 goals for the summer.

  1. Buy a high quality camera for quality photos and YouTube videos. Along with backdrops and lighting.
  2. Learn more about wordpress and SEO. I’m currently working with hired help for my Faith-based lifestyle blog.
  3. Keep my body in shape by exercising.
  4. Reach out to stores to model clothing for me and my child.
  5. Take more pictures and videos of me with my preschooler.
  6. Attend more networking events.
  7. Make connections with influencers and feature them on my blog.
  8. Build an mail list through great content.
  9. Connect personally with my fans.
  10. Receive information on how I can improve.
  11. Learn how to travel on a budget with my family.
  12. Promote content that gives God the glory.

Next year’x goal

Next year, my goal is to start the Ministers in Training program that is offered at CAPS. I’ve been planning to attend for years. For more information about an amazing program, go to

Unfortunately, every obstacle that you can imagine has kept me from accomplishing what I believe God has called me to do. I’m so very grateful that God will give me the resources that I need to accomplish this goal.

What are some experiences that has helped you to stay coachable, reachable and teachable? What are some of your short-term and long-term goals?

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!