Spirit Led Chapter of the Day is Deuteronomy Chapter 8

August 12, 2019

It’s Most Grateful Monday!

Great morning, y’all! When I read this chapter it touched on so many points that I have been dealing with in my life. It has been like I’ve been in the wilderness for ever and it has been a very lonely road. I hope that you will read and use a commentary to help to to better understand the scriptures in this chapter.

So many people that I know have turned to drugs and other things to get by or to ease the pain. My remedy has been to continue to pray. praise and study the Word of God.

Before all of the unforeseen circumstances and heartbreaking things occured in my life, I was still praying, going to church, volunteering with my girls, having fun, and trying my best to live a life worthy of my calling.

I’ve never been a jealous person or envious of any one. I lack a lot but I make due with what I have until I can do better. For years, this has puzzled me until God led me to this scripture. The main thing that leaped off the page was “DO NOT FORGET THE LORD!”

Please believe when God bless me in this new season, I will be overly excited and encourage others to not give up and share my testimony. I don’t want to ever get to the top and forget about who helped me achieve. God!

Make every opportunity to give God praise and thanksgiving. Don’t ever stop reading your Bible.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!