The voice of God lead me to a pray about water in Georgia. I placed my journal notes on the ground in a quiet neighborhood right on the corner of two street which was Zone and Dove St here in Atlanta.
Once I saw this, I wanted to get my phone then take a picture and video it. A Carpenter Bee landed on my journal notes then began to read it. It was absolutely amazing to see this little insect feel with its limbs as it rubbed across the words of my notes. I smiled and continued to pray.
The main reason that I placed them on the ground is because I needed a visual and the new place where I stayed in a house was not worthy of my prayers. Everyday, I would leave then walk to this specific neighborhood to pray. I found a big tree in a field, I brought two of my orange cones. Right when I was about to sit down under the tree, a white and black man walked out then asked me to leave. Guess what? They kept my two orange cones and never gave them back to me.
I walked to a fire hydrant then began to pray. Soon after, three dogs charged at me right in front of his yard then he told me to leave. I refused leave because I was not on his property, I was only across the street at a fire hydrant while praying about the water here in Georgia. He said, “You have a bat.” The bat was on the ground as I prayed. I said, “Sir, you are a man and you’ve had three of dogs to charge at me just because I’m praying at a water hyrant. I never brought protection until your three dogs charged at me and I’ve never been in your yard, I just walk by and pray on this street.”
In the mist of all of the disruption, I saw an ant read my notes. Then I saw another ant holding another ant while walking across my notes. The ant appeared to be dead and I cried like a baby. Not to long after, a baby ant appeared in my steel container ready to go.
Next thing you know this man comes out rubbing all over his clothes then tells me to pray at another water hydrant. After, I refused, he called the South Fulton Police and I politely left without hesitation.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!