ALERT…ATTENTION!!!: Softsoap And Palmolive Sales Are Off And Down In Other Galaxy’s Because Someone Left A Bundle Of Blue Strands Across From A GALAXY’S Leader Parents Cemetery And Blue Liquid That Match The Strands Is Now In Soft Soap Container Instead Of The Original Solution. This Is Heartbreaking Because They Already Take A Cut In Pay Make It Affordable For Everyone. IN ADDITION, Palmolive Is The Only Dish Liquid My Mother Used When She Was Here On Earth With No Hands In Witchcraft With Her Failed Battle With Lung Cancer. My God Don’t Give Cancer, Initiate Drama, Cause Diseases, Illnesses Or Force People To Take Medication For What People Do To Deceive Others Then Work And Get Paid. THE MAIN ATTEMPT WAS TO COMPLETELY EXHAUST AND CLOSE DOWN THE SOFT SOAP AND PALMOLIVE COMPANY BECAUSE SO MANY GALAXY’S HAVE BEEN EXTREMELY BLESSED IN THE PAST AND STILL RIGHT NOW TODAY.