So Very Grateful


It’s Most Grateful Monday!

I’m so extremely grateful that my two girls allowed me to cook in their kitchen and helped too. It all started at Porsche’s abode on Wednesday night then ended at Shannon’s dwellings on Thanksgiving.

The food was so scrumptious. We had turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, macaroni & cheese, collard greens, black eyed peas, rice, mash red potatoes, and gravy deviled eggs.

The dessert was even better. We had cheesecakes with cherries, chocolate morsels, and strawberries. There were delicious sweet potatoe pies and a banana pudding.

I’m extremely grateful that the excruciating pain in my chest that I felt for several hours the day before Thanksgiving did not land me in the hospital. I’m always reminded that my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer the day before Thanksgiving at Emory. Many years before, in November of 1999, my father losing his battle with pancreatic cancer. Holiday’s are rough for me. It’s been over 10years and I’m still not over my mother not being around for me to love on her with tender loving care. Nearly 20yrs without my father always allowing me to be daddy’s little girl. I so love and enjoy to see people with their mother’s and father’s while laughing and telling old stories of the past and present. It brings back good memories of me with my parents.

I’m so extremely grateful that my husband encouraged me to color to get my mind off of my parents. I still broke down crying. Coloring helped a little. After many hours in pain, it subsided then I drifted off to sleep.

I’m so extremely grateful that at least 4 of us took our holiday photo. Only two of us wore red shirts. Just look at our photo’s, they are comical. Porsche left early and did not want to suffer in the pain of taking one photo because baby brother was not happy. He loves to play.

I’ve always wanted a big house that my family and friends can come to enjoy. I absolutely love to cook and host nice get-togethers. I’m extremely grateful that we make the best of what we have until we can do better. I took home all of the left-overs. Ummm….ummm, good.

Finally, I’ve figured it out. When I post past 10pm eastern time, it won’t show up until the next day.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!