So Many Great Things Happened This Weekend

It’s Most Grateful Monday! Over the weekend, I had a great time. I’ll tell you about five things that have made me so very grateful today.

On Saturday, I went to a health fair at Washington Park. Fortunately, there was a tennis tournament and they allowed us to use their restroom. On the way out, Starson saw a tennis racket. He begged me to pull it off the wall to hold it. He held it for a moment then he wanted to swing it, I took it away then put it back. Starson was not happy. To my surprise, when we arrived home his father had two tennis rackets and a tennis ball. Oh my goodness, Starson was so extremely happy and I am so very grateful that my baby received what he wanted.

While I was visiting a vendors table at the healthfair and trying to hula hoop, my daughter Porsche called me to tell me that she moved into her new apartment. I’m so extremely happy for her. In addition to that, my bonus daughter Shannon moved into her new apartment a couple of weeks ago, and she loves it. I’m so extremely grateful for my girls.

My cousin had a beautiful wedding out of town. After they said their vows, they released a box full of butterflies. The bride and groom put on a show for all of us too. They had us laughing so hard. She even had real flowers decorated everywhere and everything was so fancy.  Their high school classmates came and showed out. As people stood up to speak she smiled, everyone said so many wonderful things about her and I’m so very grateful.

My spiritual mother/advisor/mentor/friend had her 102nd birthday party at Bay Breeze on Sunday. At church in first service, our pastor presented Mother Emma Rowland with 102 long stem red roses for her birthday. I was sadden to hear about the passing of her 60yr old grandson this week. Actually, her birthday is on Tuesday October 9, 2018. I’m so extremely grateful that she is alive, alert, in her right mind and loves God. She reminds me of a scripture that says, “With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

Yesterday was my first year wedding anniversary. I was so excited. The first year went by so fast. I look forward to many more years on this journey together. We celebrated with our toddler and many others at Mother Rowland’s 102nd birthday party. I was so very grateful for a delicious meal while celebrating two occasions.

So many great things happened this weekend.  I’m so extremely grateful for all of the smiles, laughter, tears of joy and enjoyment. Everyday, find something to be grateful for, no matter how big or small.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!