Shortly After My BFF Mother Elizabeth Went Ahead Of Them, She Called Me On The Phone In My Dream

My BFF mother Elizabeth was a complete sweetheart. She was the type of woman who treated me like I was family and her child for real. For example, when she needed a ride to take her husband to his specialist appointment. Guess what? My mother would ride with us as I did a good deed for my BFF parents.

Elizabeth was a great cook and I adored her hospitality. She was the sweetest loving person that would enjoy every moment of my presence. Actually, she geniuwinely loved me without the what’s in it for me mentality.

Unfortunately, my I could not go to my BFF mother’s funeral because I did not have any days approved. Just like when I wanted to go to Barack Obama’s anugaration my job would not approve any days for me. Guess what? My boyfriend and friends went without me and had a great time in that historic space and time.

I believe the same week or month after my BFF mother’s funeral, she called me on the phone in my dream. Her exact words were to tell everyone that she is okay. She wanted to say more and I did not get a chance to respond to her.

Immediately afterwards, someone disconnected our call. It’s like our conversation was tapped. Somethings not right and or the wrong person or people are on our team. I can guarantee you that the truth will prevail.

Now, years has passed and I still think about how God saw fit for me to receive a precious phone call like that and I’m not their blood family. Some people say that blood is thicker than water. I say blood is about core principles. Yes, now that’s family. You may not look like each other but that’s family. Guess what? Without drama, cover-ups, burnt bridges, crossing of ANY sort, belittling, shaming, framing, stealing, killing, cheating,, flying off at the mouth, sneaky conniving BS that noone wants to deal with. You name it! Enough said, I know you get my point.

As a Guardian Galaxy’s Defender, I felt cheated out of the opportunity to hear the whole conversation. But God knows best and can do more than me.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!