Seeds to Give

What is a Seed?

A seed is a small beginning with a huge future. A Seed is anything that can become more. A Seed is anything you can use to bless someone else.

LOVE is a seed. TIME is a seed. TALENT is a seed. THOUGHT is a seed. PATIENCE is a seed. MONEY is a seed. FORGIVENESS is a seed. SKILL is a seed. ATTITUDE is a seed. PRAYER is a seed. ENCOURAGEMENT is a seed. Word of Mouth is a seed. And so many other things are seeds.

When I started this blog, I barely had enough money to start it. For years, I  kept trusting and believing that God would give me a  platform to display my gifts, talents and abilities and to be an encouragement to others. Then my world turned upside down. I don’t care to write about it right now because I want to keep this blog post positive. I’m extremely grateful that I have not given up on myself.  Finally, this year I launched this faith-based lifestyle blog because this is what I have to give, Seeds of faith.  Yes, Seeds of faith and so much more to people of all races. You will succeed. It’s true that one plants, one water but God allows the increase.

Today, I was reading Acts chapter 3. It talks about how Peter and John were on their way to pray at their usual time when they saw a beggar at the Beautiful gate. Someone had placed the beggar who had been lame their for a purpose.  Peter looked at the beggar along with John saying look at us. The beggar was waiting for whatever they had to give. Soon after Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you. In the name (power and authority) of Jesus Christ the Nararine–[begin now to ] walk and go on walking. The story ends with the man walking, leaping and praising God. Also, he was recognized as the man who sat begging for coins at the Beautiful Gate. This story encourages me a lot in my faith walk with God.

God has given you an endless supply of Seeds for you to use to bless His Kingdom. You are a living warehouse of Seeds. Don’t focus on your need……..focus on your SEED!! I want to leave you with this thought. Walk out your faith no matter what it look likes. God will place someone in your path to help you to succeed. God does things on purpose for purpose. All of the good stuff that God has done for me, God can do for you. BELIEVE!!!

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!