Revelation Night

It’s Thankful Thursday!

I’m so very thankful that Revelation Night will be held at  Word of Faith  Family Worship Cathedral. I can’t wait to update this blog post with information about. Anyone who has ever read the book of Revelations knows that it’s scary.


During Revelation Night there were dancers on stage that had sashes that stated facts about themselves. For example, one had abused displayed. Finally, before the dancers left the stage they ripped their sashes off.

It was very nice how God was sitting at the throne. There were three people that were brought to judgement on stage. First, there was this guy who stated that he was lukewarm. He was sent to Hell. In the Kingdom of God you are either hot or cold, there’s no in between. The man played his part well, it was hilarious. Then there was this woman who went to church every Sunday but it was all for show. Going to church won’t get you into heaven, doing the will of God gets you into heaven. Not to forget, there was this guy who did wrong but one day he repented and cried out to God and was saved. God remembered. Even the death angel who brought all of the accusations was sent to hell.

At the end, there was an alter call. One of Bishop Bronner daughters stated that witches and demons are not needed when it’s your own sin. This was a profound statement and many was drawn and stayed at the altar. Overall, this was a great way to open the eyes of many.

Watch “2018 Revelation Night Promo” on YouTube

For more information, go to

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day