Results of Working With Families and Individuals in Shelters and Transitional Housing



It’s Face the Facts Friday!

Today, I will share three real life experiences while living in two shelters and transitional housing. I’m extremely grateful that I received help. My plan is to open loving shelters and orphanages in every state in America. People flourish when love and understanding is around.

Did you know that If you work with some shelter staff, agencies or organizations the people in need never receive what’s offered? I know that sounds harsh but the low down and dirty has happened to me, my daughter and others. The process is that you fill out a form of what you and your child want, sign it then give it to a shelter staff, agency or organization. Once the items arrive, the shelter staff, agency or organization distributes exactly what you ask for a small percentage of the time. Now, people who give have become smart to the fact that the less fortunate might not receive their goods. If you have lived in a shelter, there is a little huddle among the less fortunate with discussions to see if everyone has received what they ask for. More than half the time the less fortunate has been bamboozled.

For example, I filled out a form asking for only three gift cards at a known shelter here in Atlanta. I received one gift card, a nice black pleather planner, and a jacket that zipped up. I was so mad. Many others were mad too. The staff member at the shelter had a nerve to tell me that at least I received something. How would you feel if that was done to you? I just know in my heart that 3 gift cards were given but I never received them. I’m so grateful for the people who works directly with families and individuals so that this won’t happen. This nonsense needs to STOP!

In 2006, my daughter Porsche and I lived in a shelter called PADV (Partnership Against Domestic Violence). Volunteers from North Fulton Community Charities came out to take us shopping. I was picked up from the shelter in a 16 passenger van by a white man. He took us to Chick-fi-la to eat breakfast then shopping at Wal-Mart with a $100 limit. There was this white man with his wife and kids that sponsored me and Porsche. While we were sitting down eating with his wife and kids, the husband asked me if Porsche needed glasses because she was straining her eyes. I was unsure. He offered to take Porsche to see an ophthalmologist. I did not feel comfortable allowing my daughter to leave with two white men without me. His wife assured me that her husband would not do anything to harm my child. The men left with Porsche and I went to Wal-Mart to shop. My nerves were all over the place but I tried to stay positive. I was picking out all of the necessities that I needed. Finally, Porsche came back with an unbelievable experience. Porsche stated that she was in the office when she heard something on top of the building and the man asked, “What could that be?” Porsche stated that her ophthalmologist flew in on a helicopter to give her an exam and glasses. They gave her transitional lenses that would turn into shades in the sun. They were scratch proof and so very cute. I could not believe it but it’s true and I’m grateful. When they took us back to the shelter the man who was helping me gave me a pamphlet about knowing the Lord. I’m not sure how the selection was made but a Latino woman was chosen to gather her things and children from the shelter. I heard that they provided her with an apartment for a certain amount of time. I know she was happy.

In 2007, YWCA (a battered women’s shelter)accepted Porsche and I into their shelter. During a class that is provided by the domestic violence shelter, a Mary Kay director provided all the women in the shelter with a Miracle Set. The Mary Kay director sat in the back while the miracle set’s were distributed. I was so very grateful for that woman who provided skincare. I’ve forgotten her name but THANK YOU! She cared enough to help me take keep my skin.

Between 2007 and 2009, I lived in transitional housing provided by the Center for Family Resources. It was an extremely small apartment. One day, former NBA player for the Hawks, Josh Childress took my daughter and adoptive niece out to eat and gave them tennis shoes along with many other children from the Center For Family Resources. My daughter Porsche still talks about the wonderful experience that she had with Josh Childress. I’m so very grateful that my daughter was so pleased. I asked my niece for her input but she never responded back to me. Overall, I’m grateful for what he did as an individual.

It is not easy living in shelters and depending on others for things that you need or dealing with people with their own personal agenda. At the time, I was working but I still did not have enough to provide stable housing for me and my daughter Porsche. I was going through a bitter divorce, my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer then died while I was in transitional housing. I adopted my niece at the request of my mother before she died. Nobody but the power and grace of God kept me during those years and right now today. I needed more than a scripture to comfort me. Not a shut up and come back later or to deal with people who don’t care. I will be forever be grateful for the acts of kindness of these individuals. I plan help others in the near future. We received without any hassle. Do you give to individuals, agencies or organizations? What was the outcome? A heart of compassion is an attraction with the right people.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!