Reading the Word With Eye Candy

I believe that God has a great sense of humor.  I found out that Judas lived on Straight Street. Before reading my bible I put on some colorful eyeshadow. The colors were yellow, green, pink and blue. I call myself reading the Word with eye candy.

Here’s a better photo of me.

For some God ordained reason I was led to read Acts chapter 9. The whole chapter grasped my attention. Saul was breathing out murderous threats against the the Lord’s disciples. That  means his thoughts of doing things to the people of God were constant, nonstop. It sounds so familiar for the horrible things that are happening in the United States of America.

Suddenly, a burst of light came down from heaven and Saul fell to the ground. This gave me alot of confidence that the Lord will knock some people out or down when they mess with God anointed vessels. It was surprising to know that everyone who was traveling with him heard the voice of the Lord too then stood speechless. I can only imagine that they corrected their course of actions.

This next part caught me off guard and I laughed so hard. The Lord called to a disciple in a vision then told him to go to the house of Judas on Straight Street.  Stop right here. What? Judas lived on Straight Street then later found to be crooked. I had to do a little more research. Straight Street is the longest street in Damascus. It runs horizontal like part of the cross, from east to west. I believe this is the same Judas that denied Jesus three times, hung himself and guts fell out.

There were so many things that I learned from this chapter. These were the two that cracked me up laughing. God knows that I love to laugh. What are some chapters that makes you laugh? I just found out that when I post at 11pm on my blog, it won’t show up the same day. Sooner or later, I’ll figure this blog stuff out.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!