It’s Been Set Free Thursday!

This morning as I read this whole chapter, I felt a sense of peace and assurance that all things are working for my good. The part that says, I praise(thank) you with my whole heart is what helps me seek Him more.

Another part hits the nail on the head is when it says in the message Bible in Psalm chapter 9. It says, How He(God) tracks down killers yet keeps his eye on us, registers every whimper and moan.

This whole chapter is so on point with what I’ve been going through here on earth. The part that says, “Be kind to me, God. I’ve been kicked around long enough. Once you’ve pulled me back from the gates of death, I’ll write the book on Hallelujahs. This tells me that I’m moving into the right direction with my Faith Based Lifestyle Blog Toicher Times.

It brings me pleasure to know that in Psalm Chapter 9 it says, “The way God works is well-known.” Also, that the wicked bought a one way ticket to hell. Some people don’t believe in Heaven or Hell but I do.

This chapter ends with a request to expose their devilish works and to shake them up and show them how silly they look. This chapter is a mouth full and the agenda is clear.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!