Psalm 29 Memories

One day, Sacred Journey Hospice came to visit my mother, she was dying of lung cancer. The person who took her vitals stated that she was hanging on because I would not let her go.

The healthcare worker from hospice knew how much I loved and cared for my mother. I did everything that I could to keep her comfortable, provide her needs and take tender loving care of her. While praying and believing that she would miraculously heal from that extremely painful disease.

After listening to the woman and others. My eyes filled with tears. I went into another room. I grabbed my bible then fell to my knees crying out for God to heal her completely. I was in total despair while my heart ached terribly.

Finally, for some God ordained reason, I opened my Bible and the pages landed on Psalm 29. I read it word for word then said, “Lord if it is your will. I’m in tears and hurting so bad, I really want my mother here on earth with me. She has always shown me tender loving care and shows that she’s deeply concerned about me. My has taught me nothing but love and how to love others with no strings attached.

I continued to plead my case while saying let your will be done. A few days later, they lost her and I was not even present. Words can’t even express the feelings I felt knowing that she left this earth and she brought so much joy to me and my family.

Today, I pulled out this scripture from that particular chapter then posted it on Instagram @toichertimes. When I saw it, I thought back to the day I cried out to God while pleading my case. Somehow this scripture calmed my Spirit down a bit. The very last verse says, “The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.

While so much is going on in this world today along with many injustices. I hope and pray that you will hold on to that last verse and tell others about it.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!