Pregnancy & Infant Loss Rememberance Day

Today is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day. It’s okay, you can wipe your tears away. I heard that God keeps our tears in a bottle and he knows about everything that concerns us. I want to bring awareness to this extremely sensitive subject because mother’s and families are still hurting from these traumatic experiences. It’s extremely hard to image anyone losing a baby. I’ve had a few friends that experienced pregnancy loss, and a sister who died after a normal vaginal delivery of a baby girl.

There are many things that you can do for pregnancy lost prevention. I suggest that you consult your physician for questions. I totally understand that many don’t want to talk about this but talking about it with loving people brings healing and support. There are many support groups, organizations available, including this blog. I’m here for support.

A couple of years ago, a close friend of mine lost her baby in her third trimester at Northside hospital here in Atlanta. It is a blessing that she has a loving husband and family who helped her through those trying times. I wanted to do something loving and special for her because of her infant lost. She was so far along, it was the worst feeling ever. Instead, my friend asked me to crochet baby hats for Northside hospital for the parents that will never go home with their babies. In addition to that, we went to Michael’s, she picked the most expensive and soft yarn then I crocheted her a very nice scarf. I made myself available to her for support and even cried with her. I tried desperately to cheer her up. I would call her and send her funny text messages. I’m extremely grateful that she had faith to try again.  Nope, she never gave up. This years she had an absolutely beautiful baby girl and they are doing fine. I’m still taking donations for yarn too.

In my early twenties, I had gotten pregnant out of wedlock then had a miscarriage. My friend Katrina, kept encouraging me. She would take out her bible while praying and quoting scriptures. Basically, she just kept speaking the Word over my life and to my situation then God intervened. I was a complete mess while crying profusely.  At the time, I was a single parent raising a beautiful daughter with help from God. I was so ridiculously stressed out, after thoughts of ending my pregnancy that same weekend I had a miscarriage. It was painful. I went to South Fulton hospital emergency room. I thought the doctors would have given me a D&C but they sent me back home stating that my tiny little baby was going to pass through without it. Before the weekend was out, it happened. What appeared to be a big jumbo size kidney bean was actually my baby. It was terribly sad. I experienced severe cramping, discomfort and so much more. Through it all, I’m extremely grateful for my loving friend Katrina who was there for me during an extremely difficult time. She never stopped praying for me while speaking the truth with compassion.

Although this is very hard subject to talk about. I want to create a space where you can talk about real issues that affects people of all races. My sincere prayers goes out to all who have ever experienced a pregnancy loss or infant death. I hope and pray that you find healing, support, try again or adopt a child. I delivered a healthy bouncing baby boy in 2015 and adopted my neice back in 20O8. Even if you have faith as small as a mustard seed. It’s possible to have a child. Be that friend or family member that will be there for support and bring you smiles again. Have you, a friend, family member or coworker ever experienced a pregnancy loss or infant death? If so, how did you overcome? Here is a website for additional help. For more resources send me a message.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!