My Sister Received a Major Breakthrough at Church

In January of 2012, my pastor taught a sermon about problems and forgiveness. I believe what I’m writing is so prevalent because everybody has problems and not many are willing to forgive.

I had been praying for my sister to go church with me. I even bought her a book on how to pray while she waited. Finally, she agreed. After Bishop Dale C. Bronner’s sermon, he had an alter call. My sister did not want to walk down by herself so I walked down with her. I held her hand then hugged her so extremely tight and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Before we walked down to the alter, she cried out to GOD and was praying. As she looked over to me, she noticed one of the main people she had not forgiven was her children’s father mother. You want believe this but his mother was sitting right behind us. She was a first time visitor. I was shocked too. I turned around and hugged and kissed her too.

After church was over, my sister April had gone to the class. Her children’s father mother gave me sincere and encouraging words. Then said that she would be praying for my sister. Praise God! Also, they regained communication.

GOD is so amazing. This was nobody but GOD that allowed my sister children’s father mother be at church on the same day. While teaching on problems and forgiveness. Too funny but true.

I have so many stories of the many times that I’ve been hurt, abused, mistreated, lied on, identity stolen by someone close to me, my car that was paid off by me then totaled by someone I never gave my keys to, credit card fraud while I lived in Virginia but I paid off thousands so that person would not go to jail. The list goes on but I forgave and continue to stand on God’s word by not repaying anyone evil for evil.

I’m human and have never been one that retaliates, always hoping and praying that God will continue to fight my battles. I believe that God gives people opportunities to get the wrong things right.

I’m still in awe at what happened on that cold Sunday in January. I have so many testimonies to giveā€¦.wow! God works in mysterious ways. Has anything like this ever happened to you?

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!