My Mother Interpreted a Demonic Dream That I Experienced

One morning, I woke up terrified when I lived in Norfolk, Va. Immediately, I called my mother to explain my dream. I was in the gym working out. I saw an Asian lady working out extremely hard while pregnant. I walked over to her, saying that if you keep working out aggressively, your baby will come too soon.

Soon after, she stopped then slide down the wall and sat on her butt. I placed my hand on her stomach then began to pray. I kept calling on the name of Jesus so many times with force and authority. The more I called on the name of Jesus. The more my hand and whole arm vibrated. My hand stayed on her stomach while praying and calling on the name of Jesus. Then I woke up.

After listening, my mother was all calm and cool. She was not even alarmed or discouraged. My mother explained to me that my dream was a demonic attack of the enemy. I said, “WHAT?” My mother told me that the demonic attack was an attempt to make me believe that in the name of Jesus doesn’t work but in the name of Jesus do work. Don’t be fooled by the tricks of the enemy.

Surprisingly, my mother shared one of her dreams with me to encourage me. My mother told me that in her dream a snake tried to bite her but she picked up the snake then killed it. God places people in your path to strengthen you on your journey to victory.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!