My First Success in Leading a Soul to Christ

I remember the first time God allowed me to win a soul for Christ. God trusts me and I’m still extremely humble today. The feeling of worth and purpose God gave me, far exceeds anything that I had ever done in God’s power at that time.

During this time, I had to be obedient. I absolutely love this scripture. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path. This scripture will be the focus of the story that I will share today.

For the past few days, I’ve been so  distracted, frustrated and irritated with not getting the things that I need to  accomplish. In my journal, I typed. Yes, where is my God! Soon after God reminded me of the very first soul that I lead to Christ and it did relieve some of my stress. Actually, it changed my attitude too.

In my early twenties, I worked for this Durable Medical Equipment company in Marietta, Ga. I answered the phone, there was a black man who called in to purchase a part for his wheelchair. He was a paraplegic. After he paid for his equipment, it was ready for delivery. All of the delivery guys were booked for that day. Guess what? I delivered the part for his wheelchair. He was very grateful that I delivered it too. He had gave me compliments on my beautiful voice and excellent customer service. Shortly after, we became friends.

We had several conversations on the phone outside of work then I finally met with him again. I would always talk passionately about the Lord while being a sincere and compassionate person. I’m pretty sure I invited him out to church.

I experienced a good day. My friend called me stating that he bought a car. It was a nice red car, something like a Monte Carlo SS. I was so amazed that he could drive. I wanted to see for myself. The car had automatic sticks that would push the gas pedal/brake pedal while he drove. The remarkable part was to see him get into his car with no help. He would pull up to the driver’s side door, get out then sit in the driver’s seat. Soon after, he would fold up the wheelchair then put it in the back seat of his car. I was shocked to see his strength, determination, perseverance and he did it with ease. Just in case you are wondering, No! I never let him take me for a ride in his very nice car.

After work, I sat down to look at the news, I saw a red car in the parking lot of an apartment complex. Someone hit and killed a little girl while driving a red car. I thought for a moment, that car looks familiar. Perhaps, it could be my friend but I said, Nah! Until I received a call from him in prison after he was sentenced. I was so surprised to receive a call from him. He explained to me what happened and how he was in great distress because of what happened. All I knew to do was to pray for him and the family of that little girl who died. In addition, I was there to uplift his spirits and listen. He stated that he was able to apologize to the family in court, in a sincere attempt to let the family know that it was an accident. He felt awful and even shed many tears but I continued to listen and be there for him as a friend.

Perhaps, I was the only one who spoke life to him. I did not judge him or speak negatively. On several occasions, I spoke so passionately about the bible and God. One evening, he called saying that he had given his life to Christ while in prison. Plus, he received a certificate for his great accomplishment as a Christian. He was so excited to call me and I cheered him on. It’s so funny, I could hear the smile in his voice throughout our time on the phone.

Unfortunately, we lost contact and I have not spoken to him in over 17 years. It’s extremely important to be obedient to what God tells you to do in whatever situation you are in. As for me, God allowed me to be that person that introduced him to Christ. It is very critical to a person’s well-being as a Christian knowing that someone is standing in the gap on your behalf. What I do know, is that some people are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. The bible says, the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise wins souls. Always be that person that gives God the glory.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!