My First Blog Post

I’M SCREAMING TO THE TIP TOP OF MY LUNGS WITH EXCITEMENT WHILE SMILING TEETH-N-NOSE: This is my first blog post and I’m shaking my pom poms. Finally, my positive contributions in this world will be shared with real life experiences that I’ve encountered. Some things I had to wait, at other times God was just showing me who’s in control and never fails on His promises. Yelp, I love to tell people all about it because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. You never know who, what, when or how God will use you for His glory.

You can expect to be filled with what God’s pours into me on a daily basis. I love to be in His presence where there is fullness of joy to receive life changing guidance. Often, I have dreams that I ask God to reveal to me for His people  and purpose.  I love to encourage others, pray, listen and give testimonies.

Most of the things that I write about are uplifting and will bring much value to your life, to the point that you will tell others. Everyday, I strive to do  my absolute best. I’m not perfect. I want to live a life that’s pleasing to God and my family too. I’ll indulge you into my fun activities and be creative while describing stories in the bible and random stuff that brings me joy or that’s very interesting.

My close friend told me that I have the gift of celebration because every time she talks to me, I’m always celebrating something or someone. I absolutely love to laugh and have fun. Raising children is not easy. Boys are the roughest. Mother’s can relate to many of my funny stories with a toddler. Here’s my response to my little one while screaming to the tip top of my lungs with joy. Yeaaaa! I’m so proud of you. You can just image the amount of celebrations that we have in one day.

I believe that I am a solution to a problem that plague the church, our communities, our families, the workplace, etc. Where there is a need, God has already predestined us for greatness and we will succeed. I love the fact that I’m a positive person willing to share  for people to succeed. All I do is stand on God’s promises and watch Him open doors for me. Go ahead, relax, the next post is waiting for you. I urge you to leave comments. I love to interact and gain lasting relationships. Take action and subscribe TODAY!

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!