The First Email I Received From My Blog

Before you read the email, I want to share a true story. Many years ago, I met a Caucasian man at Barnes & Noble on Cobb Pkwy in Marietta, Georgia. We were in the spirituality section. He was picking out a book on Buddhism. He even expressed how the techniques cleared his mind. I picked out a book to help and encourage me in my prayer life. I absolutely love to read and I’m a forever learner.

During our conversation, I shared my faith with him and invited him out to Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral. At that time I was on the Intercessory Prayer Ministry. I remember being so on fire for CHRIST. Only God can allow LOVE to radiate from your soul with EXCITEMENT.

One Sunday, he came on time. I was so excited that he accepted my invitation. He even went to the altar when it was time for prayer and I stood next too him while praying wholeheartedly afterwards, he stated that he enjoyed the service. I forgot my pastor’s sermon but it was good. My pastor has been my spiritual advisor since 2009.

I never understood fully what he was going through until now. I’M SCREAMING TO THE TIP TOP OF MY LUNGS: THANK YOU JESUS FOR USING ME TO DISPLAY YOUR LOVE! It brought tears to my eyes, when I read this email.


Whenever God told me to call and encourage him, I was obedient. It tickles me that he always call me by my childhood nickname, Tot. I’ve always prayed to God for my family and friends with a sincere heart. Please know that I am far from perfect and don’t know everything but I do know who is perfect and knows ALL THINGS. GOD!

It is so important to share your faith with all races and pray. Allow people to see for themselves if you are real or fake. I absolutely love to give God the glory. I started this blog in Hope’s that lives will be changed and souls are won for the kingdom of God. BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL HOW YOU TREAT PEOPLE. Always be that person to give God the glory with your TESTIMONY.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!