My Dream About a House That Was Protected

It’s Won’t He Do It Wednesday!

July 31, 2019

Last night, before I went to sleep, I was working on posting something the media was promoting. I was not settled in my Spirit about it then I stopped creating it. I went to bed asking God, what should I post for Won’t He Do It Wednesday!

I believe that God helps me to know what’s around me so that I will know how to pray and in specific areas.

I dreamed that I was talking with a friend. She said, “They locked me up on my own property.” Soon after there was this scene in my dreams. I was in this house. There was a stairwell to my right. I saw this white man in front on me searching for something in the house that I was in, I don’t know what but he never found what he was looking for because I caught him. He was very startled.

Finally, I asked the white man, “Why are you here? He was shocked and began to call someone on his mobile phone. I just watched, waited for his response and for him to leave. I was not scared or nervous.

The next scene, I was in a living room, I looked to my right then saw three white woman with keys walking through the front door. I stopped them right in their tracks while telling them that they don’t suppose to be in the house and it puzzled me as to why they had keys.

The next scene I was fighting with one of the white women. The two women walking behind her left. She was down on the grown and I was standing while still fighting. The next scene I was back in the living room. I was fighting her while saying is this what you want.

Finally she walked out the front door. I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back in. She turned around to justify why she went into the house that was not hers while saying that we don’t belong in the neighborhood and that black people are homeless, worthless, don’t work along with more extremely negative stuff. She was crying because I made her leave.

I was on my knees while explaining to this white woman in the door way that my ancestors have fought too long and hard for the things that we have. I said, “How would you feel if that was done to you or your family.”

The power of God helped me to deny those three white women access to stay in the house that was not theirs but somehow, they had keys to enter. Two of the women got the heck on but the one who had the keys was stubborn. I felt like I was a gatekeeper and the power of God was with me to stop what came through the door or stayed.

The next scene. I looked in my perferial vision and saw a human being wagging their butt while on their knees in the back of a bus. Their were other people on the bus just sitting down.

The next scene I was on the bus then heard a man say, “It won’t be long now.” I began to cry but stopped for a moment. I could not see the man’s face but I could hear his voice. It sounded like a black man. I believe that he was trying to let me know that I should not cry.

I felt a strong urge to post this. I felt so peaceful and I prayed about it. The house that I was in was not familiar to me but I felt like the power of God was with me to protect who were there and who came through the door.

The fact that I was in a physical fight with the white woman let me know that whosoever house that was, was very valuable to them and they felt like they had access too it.

The next scene someone was running through a yard. A couple of neighbors saw who was running but kept quiet as the saw they the person running from someone or something.

I believe in every scene in my dream, the power of God allowed me to see every angle that the enemy was seeking to take over someone’s house but God intervention stopped it.

I’ve began to understand that the things that I dream about are not always for me but for someone else. There were many scenes that let’s me know people were working together. I plan to gather information and obtain books on what this dream means. Until I find out. I hope that this helps someone.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!