My Daughter Cried Loud For Breastmilk Inside Of A Department Store

I can laugh about this now but back in the 90’s, I was embarrassed to breastfeed my daughter in public. I made sure that my milk was delicious by eating that right healthy foods and drinking plenty of water.

I tried my best to get nipples to her bottle as close to my breast as possible. For some odd reason, she was so particular and did not want a bottle. When she would cry, my breastmilk would leak out fast. This made her happy and she would latch on with ease. She was so nosy, she did not like being up under a blanket like regular babies. Once she started walking at seven months, I stopped breastfeeding her then she received a sippy cup.

One day, my mother took us shopping. While walking around, Porsche started tugging a my cute shirt. I told her no no. That’s when she sound the alarm then cried loud. I tried to ignore her because I was looking cute and was too embarrassed to breastfeed in public. Suddenly, my mother said, “Go give that baby what she wants.” Immediately, I went to their public bathroom without a blanket then fed her. Once she was satisfied, she was smiling and happy again.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!