My Child Did The Unimaginable

It’s Won’t He Do It Wednesday!

June 27, 2019

It’s true we should always keep our eyes on our children. We all know that the unimaginable can happen. Guess what? That is exactly what happened to me. I’m a little embarrassed to say what happened. I thank God for allowing me to think and act fast to help my child. I thought I would be in the emergency room for hours.

I had given my child a small pack of M&M’s to eat. I never thought that he would be curious to put it any place other than his mouth. While I was on the phone. He started crying. He kept touching his nose. I looked at him then asked him to come closer. Finally, I asked my child did he stick the M&M up in his nose. He said, “Yes! I had to act fast. I grabbed his two cheeks then blew through his mouth.

Afterwards, the M&M flew out of his nostril. His nose was flowing with color. The M&M was crushed with chocolate all over his face. I was so relieved and he was too. I wish I could have taken a picture. Unfortunately, the whole situation was so traumatizing that I didn’t even bother to keep him in anguish. I’m so extremely grateful that God allowed me to remember and use this old school remedy. When my child was an infant and he did not know how to blow his nose to get the mucus out. I would smile and play with him to get him to open his mouth then gently blow. Of course, this is a messy situation. I had snot all over one side of my face. Eeeew!  I would be so relieved that my baby could breathe. I did this son both of my children and their nose was clear and not running for hours. Yes problem solved.

I can laugh about it know but at the time, it was not funny. I can’t wait to share this story with him when he gets older. I know he will get a good laugh. I would tell anybody. If you give small candy to children, make sure they are of age and watch them closely. My child is four years old and I thought he was old enough to eat the candy by himself but I was wrong. I’ve learned from my mistake and don’t want this to ever happen again.

I’m so extremely grateful that God allowed me to remember and use this old school remedy. When my child was an infant and he did not know how to blow his nose to get the mucus out. I would smile and play with him to get him to open his mouth then gently blow. Of course, this is a messy situation. I had snot all over one side of my face. Eeeew…nasty right!  I would be so relieved that my baby could breathe. I did this son both of my children and their nose was clear and not running for hours. Yes problem solved.

What are some weird things that your children have done? I want to hear about them.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!