Most Faithful “BABIES” Who Do Absolutely NO WRONG From Every Level Of Heaven: Here Are The Top 12 Things To Do Everyday. 1. Every Time You Wake Up Or Pretend To Be Sleep Say, “God Let Every Moment Of My Life Be In Alignment With You.” 2. Every Time You Open Your Eyes Or Pretend To Be Sleep Say, “Thank You God For A Successful Day And So Much Fun.” 3. Display At Least Five Smooth Moves For Approvals & CELEBRATE. 4. Everyday Say, The Equation For A Pendulum Is T=2 Pie(Calculus Pie Symbol). Sing A Pendulum Moves From Side To Side Song Everyday. 5. Everyday, If You Have A Problem, Say Or Express Yourself To Solutions To Gain Approval Of Your Needs, Wants And Or Desires. 6. If You Drop Something Pick It Up Or Ask For A Professional To Clean Up With Cameras Presents. 7. Always 8. Always Be Polite Before Asking For Anything. 9. When Meeting New People Observe And Never Memeic Their Actions. 10. WORKOUT AT LEAST 5 Areas On Your Body. 11. Never Allow Hurt Harm Or Danger To Gain Access Into Your Personal Space Always Let A Trained Professional Know. Always Give Encouragement And Compliments Daily. HAVE A BODACIOUS DAY!

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