More of the Grateful Stuff

It’s Most Grateful Monday!

I’m so very excited to write about some things that I’m grateful for. Throughout the week I’ve had some disappointments and failures. This one is funny. I bought some chips for my son then gave them to him. I asked for some to munch on. His response, “Okay, mommy!’ Soon after he reaches in to give me only one chip. I ate it up then asked for a bunch of them. Again, he gives me only one chip. I could not believe it. I felt like a kid again and laughed. There were quiet a few failures, however,  I make every effort to be grateful for what I do have and for what is going right in my life.

I am so extremely grateful that I have a Joistik. Once I was alone, I screamed to the tip top of my lungs with excitement because I was so happy that I finally have one now. For more information or to purchase one, go to Joi Pearson is a beautiful person inside and out with so much personality. She’s really cool too. I met her for the first time on Friday. She is the inventor of the JoiStick. I had the pleasure of meeting her mother who shared her faith in God with me and how the Holy Spirit flows in her life. It is not by accident that I met her mother. We had a long conversation and she can cook very well. I gave her a compliment. I said, “You are beautiful.” Her mother responded back by saying, “It takes one to know one” with a little head work.  You know, the head work you do when you know what you’re talking about. I burst into laughter. I love to meet genuinely good people with good intentions.

I am so extremely grateful for the “Praise and Worship” team at Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral. One of my pastor’s twin daughters lead us into worship so eloquently. I can’t tell them apart. I absolutely love to hear her sing so passionately. She’s gorgeous and happily married.  She allowed everyone in the audience to make their worship personal.

I’m so extremely grateful that Travis Greene played his guitar and performed so very well on stage during service. He played my favorite hit Waited. I was worshiping God in total adoration of his goodness, the Spirit of the Lord hit me and knocked me into my seat. All I could do is say thank you Jesus while crying tears of joy. There was a lady who sat one seat to the left of me, she touched my shoulder while saying, “Thank you God for allowing her to receive your breakthrough!” I’m so very grateful for the women and men that God places around me for his purpose.

I’m so extremely grateful that my son really enjoyed Children’s church at Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral. A woman told Starson that they would have praise and worship in Children’s church after he kept pointing towards the sanctuary. Although he was very hesitant, he went into the class. A loving woman who is a volunteer, helped me get away so that he would not cry when I left. After church, I asked his teacher how did he act in class. She said that he had his moments. Out of all of the children in his class, he was very polite. After the service was over. He saw me then screamed out, “Mommy, mommy!” because he was so glad to see me. In addition, I was grateful to know that he learned a lot and had fun.

I have a long list of grateful things  These were my top four. I already know that God will allow me to have more bodacious outcomes so that I can express my gratefulness and praise His name. The classic gospel song  Be-e-e-e-e Grateful lead by Lynette Hawkins just came to my mind. I so appreciate the good times and want more of it that’s why I’m grateful. What are you grateful for? I want to hear about it.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!