Matchless testimonies is one of the reasons why I’ve been a member of Word of Faith Family Cathedral for over ten years. Initially, my mother asked me to visit with her one Sunday. I believe she wanted me to one day join a loving church where I would learn and understand, the word of God with clarity.
Over the years, I’ve found Bishop Dale C. Bronner to be a very highly intelligent and articulate man of God with style. Oh my goodness, I really appreciate and admire this wonderful man of God. The things that he preaches about makes you think and tell others about for encouragement or to get their life right.
I’ve learned to come to church on time because it always starts on time. I enjoy sitting in my favorite area while smiling and enjoying the atmosphere. Sunday school and bible study has always been a pleasure. Including family fun times events.

Over the years, I’ve served in various ministries that I enjoyed. The most memorable time was when I was baptized. In addition, I’ve gone on retreats and fun trips with the Seasoned Saints and the Single Ministry.

The funniest time was when I overpacked my small LEXUS IS250 with my daugher Porsche, sister April, half-brother Ronaii, two nephews Emmanuel and Man Man. I did this because I was desperate for their souls to be save and for them to hear a memorable word

There are so many helpful and fun opportunities that your whole family will enjoy. Our pastor, his wife and children are a blessing to his ministry which compliments his ability to serve in excellence.
You can go to Bedside Baptist by going onto YouTube for a WORD OF FAITH FAMILY WORSHIP CATHEDRAL Sermon or go visit at 212 Riverside Pkwy Austell, Ga. for 8:30am or 11am service.
AGAIN!! HAPPY 30th Pastorial Anniversary BISHOP DALE C. BRONNER!🎈🎉🎊🎋🎁