Live, Laugh, Love

It’s Won’t He Do It Wednesday!

July 3, 2019

Everyday I look forward to living, laughing and loving myself and others. These are God given abilities that we can use daily.

Personally or me, I’ve always wanted to live a life that is pleasing to God. I’m falling short many at times where guilt consumed me and I repented then turned my life around. I love to dress very nice and where nice clothes, go out with friends, enjoy myself and have fun. Unfortunately, my friends are slim to none. I can count one hand who they are in my razor thin circle of friends and close family members.

Oh my goodness, I absolutely love to laugh. There have been times that I have laughed so hard that it sounds like a frog is in my throat. It’s to funny. Laughter is good for the soul and I would love to do that daily.

I absolutely love loving myself and others. I’ve shown it through my actions and by being obedient when God calls me to action. I understand that some people may receive my love and others may walk away and deny me and I’m okay with that. In life, everybody is not going to like and or love your, that’s just facts.

Do you agree?

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!