Kennesaw Mountain Review

Kennesaw Mountain Review

I had a great experience hiking up Kennesaw Mountain with my friend Sonya. The weather was nice and the park was clean. This is the same woman who encouraged me to go natural. Now, I’ve been natural since 2009.

In 2019, I told my husband about my old manager telling me a story about how her friend was struck down by lightning. I even Google it nearly 20years later to see if it was true. Yes, it’s true. A white married couple was walking down Kennesaw Mountain with their dog. Suddenly, lightning struck her down then killed her. Only the man and the dog lived.

Guess what? The very next day, my friend had a surprise visit to Georgia then invited me to Kennesaw Mountain. After we walked up the mountain, as we were walking down the mountain I told my friend what my old manager Vicki Riettenbach told me about lighting killing a married woman.

While I was forced into a drug rehab this year, I told this story to a white man and woman. The man told me, if you don’t do right by God, he will send lighting up your a**. He took his jacket off, left it on a chair then walked away. A white woman named Ashley did the same. They seemed shocked and scared. They shared stories too but I never left shocked or scared. And for that I say, Don’t ever play with God.

Stay tuned for my review on Summit Ridge Hospital in Lawrenceville, Ga.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!