We all have the power of choice. To do God’s will or do our own thing. God ways gives us freedom to choose righteousness. The other option is to be slaves to sin. Whatever choice that you make, you will have to live with the consequences. If you are a spouse and have kids, then everyone will deal with your choices.
In the beginning of going down the wrong road, it can be fun at first but then you have to ask yourself is this really what I want. I’ve had my share of living without regrets but deep down inside God was reminding me of his ways. God desired for me to have a personal relationship and to be in His presence. That is the lifestyle designed for me to fulfill my purpose in the earth. There was something greater for me.
There are so many scriptures that speak about free will. I suggest that you do a little research to figure out which one speaks to your heart. If you find yourself lost, that would be a great time fo you to pray and ask God for clear direction. If you feel that you need more guidance, send me a message, I’ll be willing to pray with you and give you some helpful notes.

I look forward to reading your comments.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!I